

Happy New Year! To start off the new year right, we’ve released the entire card list to Shattered Fates!

View the card list here!

There’s a lot of discussion on our forums, so be sure to participate!

What’s next? Well, if you haven’t responded to the backer survey yet to let us know your Shadow Era account to get the digital rewards, be sure to do that quick! As far as we know, we’re now up to date with the shadow crystal rewards for everyone who has completed the survey for both Kickstarter and PayPal backers. We had to process all of those manually the first time to get them into our database, so it was quite a bit of work! If you are still missing your sc reward, be sure to email sales@wulven.com

The closed beta will be starting shortly. This will be a private web-based version of the game with all the cards available so you can get a head start building decks and testing out all the new strategies. We’ll be emailing out info when that starts up.

We’re also updating the live version of the game to support the concept of unopened packs. Once that goes live, the CotC and DP packs rewards will go out.

Thanks again for everyone’s support! Counting the PayPal backers, the final total was $92,267! Amazing!




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